Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Marching Mandala

Ross Krouse - UNT Geography Major

Composed on March 11, 2015

The past few weeks the weather in our region hasn’t been too forgiving, we have had harsh winter conditions one day and then sunshine the next. Today’s weather to me seems like we are rounding the corner on our winter and headed to spring full steam. The sun is out, and after sitting here longer than ten minutes I’m starting to regret wearing jeans and not my shorts. And with the sunlight and heat, comes more noticeable life in my area. Plants are starting to pop up that I haven’t yet identified, that were definitely not noticeable on the first week of mandalas, hopefully after spring break I will have more time to examine these closer and identify the species. There are at least 16 more dandelions in my mandala area compared to last week’s 3. I notice more bug activity around me as well, mostly ants. I can’t identify the ant species exactly but I think they are black ants, whatever species of ant they are you can tell they are working tirelessly at a common goal. I’m excited for spring and the abundance of life the season brings with it.

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